Sunday 4 January 2009

Hidden Treasures!

I was clearing out the loft yesterday and found something that brought more than a tear to my eye. My Mum, as you know, is a very talented lady in the art of knitting and crochet. My Dad was also a very creative man.

I found this young lady in a black bag thrown into the back of the roof above. Who is she I hear you ask...well I shall tell you. She started life around twenty five years or so ago (when I was fifteen years old or thereabouts - maybe younger) printed on a piece of material. She was, lovingly, cut out and stitched together, by me, using my late Grandmother's hand operated Singer sewing machine. She was then brought to life by a bag of kapok stuffing and dressed.

I remember it was my Dad who set up the sewing machine and who helped me complete this project. It is my Dad I shed a silent tear for now looking at her. It is this young lady I will re-stuff and bathe and who will now have a life in the light and will not return to the dark depths from which she has just been rescued...she will be another reminder how lucky I am to have and have had such loving, talented parents...thank you both.

(Captain Spaulding looks on...)

I also found these which I made for my daughter when she was three or four years old. She will be thireen in February...Santa, minus a cuff as my Mum pointed out...

and Cinders who is a bit topsy turvy and a bit worn and bobbly around the edges...

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