Monday 25 January 2010

I give you...

Colin! On Sunday night, my dear daughter asked if I could knit a toy for her friend's birthday...this looked like a quick, easy pattern from the Let's Knit website.

He will be on his way to his new home tomorrow where I hope he will be loved.

Goodbye, Colin!

Sunday 24 January 2010

I did it!

Before Christmas, I was involved in a snowflake swap over on the Phoenix Forum. I could not crochet one so knit my swap partner a snowflake dishcloth. However, when I saw the gorgeous crochet snowflakes that had been falling through the post, I knew I had to make is, probably, my third attempt. It's not perfect but hey ho, I will keep practising! The pattern was beautifully simple to follow and can be found on Attic 24's blog.

Turning to still snowy matters,fed up with being cooped up the weekend before last, my daughter and I walked the twenty-five minute walk through the snow and slush to my LYS to buy some yarn to make my husband a football scarf. Here is the finished item...he says its lovely and warm!

I leave you with a couple of new books I have...Socks from the Toe Up because I have never tried to knit socks this way and Odd Bod Bunch - a selection of toys which, having never wanted to grow up, I can totally relate to =)

Sunday 10 January 2010

How Long?

I can't believe I have not posted on here since April!

Last year I was always moaning that as a family we were so busy, we used to run out of time. Within the last five days it snowed so heavily schools had to shut and my DH was stopped going out to work. We have not used the car as it was too icy to move it. As we have not had to rush to work or school, we have taken the time to just chill. It has been a fabulous start to the New Year. We have walked more together as a family and have spent time with the children in the park watching them sledge down the hill. We were frozen to the bone by time we got home but I would not have missed their faces for the world. I have, therefore, come to the conclusion that I do have time. I have sixty seconds every minute, sixty minutes every hour, twenty four hours every day, seven days every week - you get the picture! Time doesn't change. It ticks along at its own steady pace. It's my life that changes. I do have's what I do with it that is the problem...

Talking of time, here are a couple of little friends that have been enjoying the snow - both are free patterns on Ravelry and both take no time at all to make ;)