Wednesday 10 September 2008

Monkeying Around

A friend bought a kit to knit a monkey. She thought she and her daughter could make him together. She looked at the pattern booklet, closed it and monkey stayed in the box! After six weeks of waiting for the holiday to finish, she came back to work and asked if I would breathe life into him. How could I resist?

Here he is in his hat and scarf ready for winter. I am sure he will be happy in his new home...who knows, as he was so well behaved when he stayed with me, I may just have to knit him a friend...

The Lady E is only half finished but I am hoping to be wearing her for the Winter. I must confess, I was side tracked just a little with a spinning kit over the summer holidays. I bought a spindle and roving from e-Bay and got myself twisting the days away glued to You Tube trying to figure out how the ladies made the spindle look so easy! I can definitely "drop" it but not in the way I should...(Photos to follow!)

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